Dan Weltin

Meet the Experts: Influencers Guide the Way

Influencers bring a unique perspective to the industry.

By Dan Weltin, Editor-in-Chief  

The Weltins are a hobby board game family. We have an extensive collection and the four of us play a game together most nights. When it comes time to add something new to our supply, I consult a particular set of industry experts that I rely on to learn about new games. Based on their knowledge, industry connections and experiences, I trust their opinions to guide whether this investment will be worthwhile.  

Similar “influencers” permeate every industry. We at Building Operating Management felt it was time the facility management industry had a set, too, so this month we are introducing our own group of “Facility Influencers.” You can find the list in our masthead under our editorial advisory board (who, in their own way, are influencers, as well).  

Influencers bring a unique perspective to the industry. With their personal experiences and breadth of knowledge, they can convey even more authenticity to our coverage, establishing greater trust and credibility with our readership.  

This group of consultants will be contributing to our Building Operating Management, FacilitiesNet, NFMT and fnPrime brands in a variety of ways.  

For starters, check out Shawn Black’s article, “8 Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Facility Management." Black discusses how AI can provide data to influence decision making and improve overall operational efficiency. Future issues will also feature articles written by our Facility Influencers.  

Charles Thomas will be part of the “Ask the Expert” online session for fnPrime members. He will be discussing his recent “Skills Guide for Facility Managers” eBook and answering questions. 

Thomas is also speaking at the upcoming NFMT Remix show in Orlando, Florida, this October. Another influencer who will be at the event is John Rimer, who is presenting “Facilities Department Is Not a Profit Center — But Can It Be?” Rimer will be identifying steps for quantifying, tracking, and communicating the facility department’s positive impact to revenue generation. 

There will be a variety of ways readers can interact with our Facility Influencers throughout the year. Be sure to keep an eye on FacilitiesNet and our social feeds for updates.  

Dan Weltin is the editor-in-chief for the facility market. He has 20 years of experience covering the facility management and commercial cleaning industries. 

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  posted on 9/15/2023   Article Use Policy

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