
Survey: The Effects Of Hurricane Sandy On Critical Facilities

OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: Data Centers: Surviving Hurricane SandyPt. 2: This Page

For FMs who are responsible for critical facilities, Hurricane Sandy redefined the term "emergency preparedness." Building Operating Management surveyed readers in the states affected by Sandy. Less than 10 percent of those who responded said they had shut down their data centers before Sandy hit. But about 30 percent of respondents said they had a data center that suffered a power outage as a result of the storm. Of those, 65 percent lost power for 2 days or more, 36 percent were involuntarily off the grid for 3 days or more, and 19 percent waited a week or more for utility power to come back on.

Among FMs who responded to the survey, 14 percent reported that their data centers went down as a result of Hurricane Sandy and subsequent weather events. Of those, 48 percent reported they were offline for two days or more.

Responses to the survey are below, as well as here.


1. Was the production from any data center(s) in your organization moved to another data center because Hurricane Sandy was coming? R = 174  
Yes 7%
No 93%
2. Were any of your data center(s) shut down proactively because Hurricane Sandy was coming? R=175  
Yes 9%
No 91%
3. Did you lose utility power to any of your data center(s) as a result of Hurricane Sandy and the subsequent weather events? R=174  
Yes 31%
No 69%
* 4. How long was utility power out at your data center(s)? R=54  
Less than 1 hour 13%
1 hour to less than 6 hours 15%
6 hours to less than 12 hours 7%
12 hours to less than 24 hours 9%
24 hours to less than 48 hours 13%
48 hours to less than 72 hours 19%
72 hours to less than 7 days 17%
7 days or more 19%
5. Did any data center(s) in your organization shut down as a result of Hurricane Sandy and the subsequent weather events? R=172  
Yes 14%
No 86%
* 6. Did any data center shut down because of a problem with or failure of the facility infrastructure, whether caused by storm damage or not? R=25  
Yes 64%
No 36%
* 7. What caused the data center facility infrastructure problems or failures? R=16  
Backup generator damaged by storm 31%
Backup generator not damaged by storm but failed to start 6%
Backup generator not damaged by storm but didn't have enough fuel 6%
Other generator problems 6%
Fuel pump or fuel tank damaged by storm 6%
Fuel pump or fuel tank not damaged by storm but failed to perform as expected 6%
UPS system damaged by storm 6%
UPS system not damaged by storm but failed to perform as expected 0%
Electrical distribution system damaged by storm 31%
Electrical distribution system not damaged by storm but failed to perform as expected 13%
Cooling equipment damaged by storm 13%
Cooling equipment not damaged by storm but failed to perform as expected 13%
Controls or sensors damaged by storm 13%
Controls or sensors not damaged by storm but failed to perform as expected 0%
Failure of the roof 13%
Failure of other elements of the building envelope (other than the roof) 19%
Human factors 13%
Have not determined reason 6%
* 8. Will any facility equipment in your data center(s) need to be replaced as a result of damage from Hurricane Sandy and the subsequent weather events? R=25  
Generators 12%
Cooling equipment 12%
Electrical distribution equipment 24%
UPS 8%
Controls 12%
Roof 8%
Other element of the building envelope (other than the roof) 4%
No equipment will need to be replaced because of damage from the disaster 52%
9. How was your roof affected by the disaster? R=166  
No damage 77%
Some damage but no water intrusion 9%
Some damage and minor water intrusion 12%
Some damage and significant water intrusion 2%
Significant damage or complete failure of roof & significant water intrusion 0%
10. How was the rest of the building structure and exterior affected by the disaster? R=166  
No damage 76%
Some damage but no water intrusion 9%
Some damage and minor water intrusion 9%
Some damage and significant water intrusion 4%
Significant damage and significant water intrusion 2%
11. Do you plan to relocate any data center(s) as a result of lessons learned from the disaster? R=163  
Yes 6%
No 90%
Considering steps but no decision made yet 4%

*Note that "R=" indicates the number of respondents to the question. Because relatively few data centers suffered outages, the responses to questions 4, 6, 7 and 8 are based on very few responses, so caution should be used in generalizing the responses. That is especially true of questions 7 and 8.

Continue Reading:

Data Centers: Surviving Hurricane Sandy

Survey: The Effects Of Hurricane Sandy On Critical Facilities

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  posted on 10/4/2013   Article Use Policy

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