Lighting Retrofits: Rethink Knowledge of Ballasts, Lamps

By Dan Hounsell, Editor  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: Lighting Retrofits: Learn from Others' MistakesPt. 2: This PagePt. 3: Lighting Retrofits: Managers Must Ensure Products Function Post-InstallationPt. 4: Codes, Standards Influence Lighting Retrofits

The focal point of any lighting retrofit involves matching product options to facility needs. To start, Anderson suggests managers revisit what they think they know about lamps and ballasts before making decisions.

"Look for the ballasts designated as high efficiency and lamps that deliver the highest (lumens per watt, or LPW)," Anderson says. "Ballast technology, even electronic-ballast technology, has advanced in the last five to six years. More energy-efficient electronic ballasts are available today, and those are the ballasts that will be available when the rulemaking (process) is completed. Lamp technology has also advanced, and the new energy-saving wattage lamps offer expanded opportunities to save energy."

On the lamps front, Anderson advises to keep a close eye on advances in solid state, or LED, products for institutional and commercial applications.

"Solid state lighting systems are energy saving, long-life options for incandescent, halogen and compact fluorescent in many applications," Anderson says. "Don't forget to consider this new technology. It is rapidly advancing, and applications for solid state will be expanding, so you will want to keep informed about the advances. One of the most rapidly expanding areas of use is in outdoor lighting applications, such as walkways, building faade, signage, area and roadways."

Continue Reading: Lighting Systems: Solving the Retrofit Equation

Lighting Retrofits: Learn from Others' Mistakes

Lighting Retrofits: Rethink Knowledge of Ballasts, Lamps

Lighting Retrofits: Managers Must Ensure Products Function Post-Installation

Codes, Standards Influence Lighting Retrofits

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  posted on 6/3/2010   Article Use Policy

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