How to Properly Apply Grounds Chemicals

  June 22, 2009

This is Chris Matt, Managing Editor of Print & E-Media, with Maintenance Solutions magazine. Today’s tip is properly applying grounds care chemicals.

Specifying the correct chemical — whether it is an herbicide, pesticide, or fertilizer — is integral to the product’s effectiveness. But if workers do not adhere to proper application practices, the chemical will not work correctly. For example, if a manager knows certain weeds germinate when the soil is 45 degrees, crews can wait until the soil reaches that temperature to apply pre-emergents, or chemicals applied before weeds surface.

Getting to know the pest, checking the weather forecast before applying the chemical, applying it to avoid harming beneficial insects, and making sure crews apply the product on target all are important elements of successful applications.

Fertilizer on driveways, sidewalks and nearby roadways can run into drainage systems during the first heavy rainfall if workers do not pay attention to where they are applying the chemical.

Managers also need to pay closer attention to specific maintenance practices to ensure they do not promote pests or disease. For example, switching from a spray irrigation system to drip irrigation can help prevent leaf diseases. The drip system ensures water enters the plant’s root zone, while spray systems leave water on the plant’s foliage, leading to potential issues.


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